Wednesday, March 25, 2009

post op and unmedicated

I love Phenergan..i think i love it more than morphine but who's gonna argue. Now..not recreationally, there's too much to deal with afterwards but i tell ya if you have to go in for a cone biopsy LEEP anything related to cervical treatment and they have to knock you out, ask about these two sweeties. I love my anesthesiologist. I especially love the nurses who wrote in big bold red letters on my chart that when i had my wisdom teeth removed a few weeks ago, i was barfing like crazy.

Surgery was a breeze, we had to get to the hospital for check in by 6am. A hot chinese male nurse admitted me, much to my delight. I love getting around nurses again and immediately fly into shop talk. I questioned the hell out of anyone within you like your job, do you like working in SDS? What about OR? Would you ever go back to med/surg (NOT). They encouraged me to apply to a PACU or similar once we hit Oahu. Funny I had never considered SDS as a place I'd have been interested in but their job is cake and that's why they were all smiling. Admit patients, assess and do vitals, chart, educate before surgery, hand me warm blankets, receive me after surgery, immediately provide me with coffee, and educate about post op. LOVE it. I'm mentally visualizing myself in one of these positions now. I'd volunteer to get the job. I'd grovel. But..after summer when I've spent the days surfing first hehehe. No need to rush back in .

So I did have a bit of post op woosy..not in the tum tum but my head was spinning and threatening to travel to the stomach for launch. Nurse guy tried to talk me into Meclizine,..he says Phenergan is going to make me sleepy. I remind him I have no plans for the day and have been awake since 4am and hubby has the day off so he grins and gives me a push of Phenergan. Ahhhh instant head woosy relief. Intense feelings of womblike comfort and wanting to go night night. I could fall asleep standing up. Someone could pickpocket me or steal my clothes leaving me stark naked in the hospital and I'd have a meaningful relaxed smile as I drifted off to sleep. Lovely lovely.

Got home and parked it in bed for two hours, got up to eat fruit loops and pee out a lot of iv fluid, went right back to sleep, i woke up multiple times catching myself snoring. Woke up around 4 and kept myself awake so that i could sleep at night, i didnt want the aid of percocet..only took one and it managed the pain fine. woke up around 3 to pee and was up for an hour, took a tylenol and fell back asleep. right now tylenol and a small amount of coffee is handling the pain. i don't feel that bad at all knock on wood. it feels like i was pinched on the inside, but it's deal-able ya know. not like the bring me death feeling of having my teeth broken and yanked from my head. fucking oral surgeon. i told the nurses about my experience and they joked he must be using old school medications since i got so sick from the anesthesia.

oh nurses i miss you guys. i dont miss the bitchy snarky charge nurse who would bully me when i was a first year agency nurse. boy would i fly threw my shift, not eat, not pee, to make sure all the charting was done and i was ready for report. she used to love to find fault with anything i did wrong. boy did i hate her. nurses should not eat their young. but most of the nurses i have experienced and worked with have been peaches and i do miss the professional comraderie. you might be working with me again after i buff up and tan this summer (priorities )

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