life in the bay area has been redeemed by a trip to clement st last night..clement and 4th to be favorite viatnamese restaurant is still in operation..i'm sooo happy. people if you want the best coconut chicken curry you've ever's here. the Burmese restaurant is right across the street and that one is next in line..that place is always packed. the indonesian place down a few lots was empty. a full restaurant is a good indicator.
i took the train to oakland and met my friend, and we drove over the bridge together. the gray clouds ended right at the san fran skyline..the water on the right side of the bay near alcatraz glittered in gold and gray..the bay to the left was dark. every tall window in sf refracted the setting sun.
we hit the busy streets and i instantly remembered the places i used to run around. for years i have tried to seek a lifestyle with a quiet cabin in the woods..over time i have realized i am really happy near a big pulsating city. i love the people and activity. there's nothing like a taxi ride in sf. the stores, oh god the stores.
clement st and area is full of restaurants and side shops. i had two cups of coffee after 8 at night..a major no no for an insomniac, but after dinner we rolled down the windows and hooted and everyone and made a lovely excited scene. we were both energized and relaxed. Zack sat in the backseat with his thoughtful look and enjoyed the ride. we bought an exquisite peach and yellow orchid with intense detailing. and more coffee. coffee pearl drink followed by viatnamese favorite. condensed milk with coffee is good. i am going to a store in chinatown to get one of those coffee set ups that drains the coffee into a cup that has a thick sluggish layer of condensed milk on the bottom. yum.
i was happy to break out of my self imposed jail and risk more lack of sleep by staying out late. sometimes lack of sleep leaves you feeling more energized.
I heart Vietnamese coffee. Drink to much of it though and you might get sick. ;-)