admittedly a good time waster but it's a great way to keep up with friends and send meaningless photos/links and hey..feed your vampire. i'm ashamed to say i spent a good 20 minutes feeding my vampire last night but i did throw my ex husband to a buddy vampire to give her meaty snack.
am having a really hard time focusing on work and sitting still because i'm winding things down for the move. hard to run at full speed when you have to slow actions by end of the month. so i might just step it up and get things ready as possible today and see what happens. a flight over wouldnt cost too much and the sun would do wonders. my sentence on the big island is up.
i won't have a car or kitchenware for a few days but PhuketThai is walking distance from the condo. Put kid in condo, sign up to gym, and get shit rolling.
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