now i've done this a few times so i consider myself a bit of an expert..it's not as daunting as it seems, you just have to be willing to part with things. it's HEALTHY to not have clutter. it is FREEDOM trust the wise words of someone who moves every six months
1) first, get mad about something because as you go thru your clutter, your anger will keep you from feeling too sentimental
2) open a suitcase
3) place enough items for ONE WEEK in the suitcase. ONE outfit a day..not one beach outfit, one dinner outfit, one sleep outfit. remember the airlines charge for suitcases now. you don't want to bring more than one.
4) choose one nice necklace or pair of earrings that go with everything
5)sell off your cds and just take an ipod
6) pack your kid's stuff but not much, he's growing anyways
7) whatever does not fit in the suitcase, DONATE to goodwill . there's people who need it more than you do.
8) don't pack silly shit like salt and cotton balls, buy new stuff when you get there
9) girls, you can have one small carry on bag as well as lord knows we have to bring makeup
10) don't let your sig other talk you into bringing anything else..it's all useless shit that clutters your life and takes up space. we only need one towel, one pair of sheets, you get my drift?
11) surfboards are absolutely included as the freebie (we all get one)
12) book your flight to leave before your husband so he has to toss out the remaining crap (or donate) so you can't change your mind. be sure to leave him enough food and a few dishes.
13) be prepared to give up old bad habits. you are starting a new life.
14) reflect on how purchases have ruled your life and how wasteful you are and vow to not buy any more crap
life is better without furniture and crap. i've been pretty crapless since i divorced my first husband with his roomfuls of crap. yes i said roomfuls. poor guy.
wiser words are seldom spoken. thank you.