finding that balance again between ordering more supplies than i can possibly go thru before heading back to hawaii ...just to dye something... and knocking out a few more CEU's for nursing again. both have an arm and are pulling me and i know i can move forward with both of them, after all geminis like challenges and we are all about balance of some sort.
am feeling a bit of angst for not being out in the hawaiian water..a quick morning surf would cure the jitters. or another rigorous vortex hike in sedona. oh i promised to come back to vortex. it's sort of like a gemini mind and you have to breathe in the moment then release it so that more info can swirl by. mmm i like swirl. colors, coffee, wind tunnels, anything that spins.
promised self to get on BART today and learn a few stops with the Z man but it's weather permitting. not completely sure how i feel about the grayness here yet (bay area) but it's only been a short time .
i think i need a good long day break from Zack..love him so much but need to spread the wings and fly around and exhaust self from looking in windows at Haight Ashbury and get a map going of the current POA ...website updates, registration for next nurse class, and if i can sit still long enough, determine exactly what it is i need to live on and work towards that. awfully tempting to go get a well paid agency job in bay area but whats the sense of making good money if no free time to spend it ? yes, the return to bay area is a return to a lifestyle i long ago ran from. but can one be a silk dyeing beach bum for life?
i need a warm, quiet rock with no distraction to figure this all out.
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