aloha mateys, at last there is an internet connection from the condo. so far my only times to post quickly to facebook or check in are the rare moments when Zack is asleep ..or when Zack is asleep. i had no idea what i was getting myself into by taking him to Oahu, on my own, for two weeks. it's an...adventure.
not sure where the energy is coming from, surely the heat of late summer will have me cursing over things that are a welcome sight right now. the pulse of a city that never sleeps. my first night was in a hotel room because we had no electricity at the condo ..and well i have a baby. flying back home was no option. so i stayed in the heart of waikiki till today when they switched the electric back on. i was up rather late both nights, i remember staying the night in waikiki a couple years ago, in a penthouse overlooking Kuhio ave, and remembering the nonstop activity. our condo is pretty close to it all, we are over on the other side of the canal. i'm still very happy we are ground floor. i don't like elevators and not having immediate outside access..it just weirds me out. anyways, the sirens and shouting and cars and foot traffic is just amazing. i remember hanging on the balcony a good portion of the night just watching.
the physical activity feels awesome, we have been walking everywhere. just a cheapie stroller and a backpack but we've been treading some major amount of streetage. every time we had to go out for food i'd turn it into a mini excursion. Zack has seen boats, birds, fish, motorcycles, buses, more people than he knew existed..and I think the sun is affecting him too. since we've been here he has started saying Uh Oh and ball and i thought i heard a bye bye. there's a lot of new stimulus to the brain.
the condo is just a place to relax, make dinner, shower and sleep. it serves as the convenient pit stop to island activity. of course we'll be in waik a lot of the time.
i talked with someone at the gym i want to join..it's a monthly membership but the initial set up fee is the killer. then it's 3 dollars on top of that for them to watch my kid . i was planning it so Zack and i would take a bus to the gym (maybe five..ten minutes from here) early in the morning, he would hang with the gym daycare while i worked out , then we'd catch another bus to the beach where daddy would be waiting with the beach gear. i'm going to try out the seven day free trial and see how it all works out. beaches are best when you are there early in the morning and a beach will definitely be cardio exercise..and is free. so i'm weighing the options and price. overall, just being back here will be more conducive to just simply walking and exercising since it doesn't fucking rain every day. it's easy to go walk to jamba juice or walk to the canal park to take Zack outside. the outdoors are a whole different world to him. as i said he's even tripping out on sunlight. wow mommy it's warm and pretty.
tomorrow i get a bit of a break from serving his majesty and am running off with a friend to the water. yes, a beach but most importantly the water. may be able to just paddle around but that is good enough.
i have a friend visiting on thursday who may be here thru the weekend so no concrete plans other than just keeping fresh fruit in the fridge and taking the baby on mini trips. hope to take him over to the aquarium in a couple of days. we both have blisters from walking.
i haven't taken him in the water yet since there were jellyfish and the suckers wash right up on the beach. i didnt want him to step on one. they should be gone tomorrow ..but if there's waves he'll have to wait one more day :)
we can't wait for daddy to join us. daddy is going to take him for a week straight. mommy's going to savor the goodness of going potty alone.
The daycare gyms do cost more unfortunately, but I'm glad you're thinking about going back to the gym. One of my friends who is getting her new boobs in a couple of weeks let it slip she hopes her new boobs will distract admirers from her saggy ass. Do women get boobs so they don't have to shape up the other parts? I'm still trying to convince her to go "full C." Somehow some of her girlfriends convinced her she'll look like a stripper if she goes full C. The hot mom who lives across the lake is looking amazing, so I can only dream about you sweetie :-P She said she went as large as she could and yeah she could be a hot stripper. Dammit J'es. You've turned me into a boob man! My college counselor is a full figured woman with a beautiful face and it took all I had to not stare at her boobs. You've got me boob crazy!