Wednesday, April 22, 2009



what wise words

not that anyone who is complicated is stupid

but there is much to be said about un-complicating your craft business and your life for that matter

i recommend moving as it almost forces you to trim the fat and decide what's really important.

which are your best and most profitable items? items with a fast turnover? does custom work really pay itself to make it worthwhile? are you 24-7 and chained to your job or do you call the shots? does your business own you?

i have been owned for many years now. akai and ebay both co-owned me. now of course it's easy to say i am not owned anymore since it's almost summer and i do a self imposed slow down on bellydance business. the clothing and accessories that i do usually have a bit of leeway of completion time unless it's a store that needs items right away for a big sale or promotion. bellydancers, well we all need things quick and things come up right?'s nice to relax from the fast paced city life of bellydance production and slide into ohhh what will i make today for the accessories portion

this morning is a little bit tough because i have errands to do again but want to see the gals at the beach before it gets too hot. but i often have a spurt of energy first thing in the morning and furiously write down ideas.

still haven't heard back from the nursing board but i'm not even sure i'll have time for that kind of job, unless it's just registry work that is part time, very part time like one weekend a month. i have too many ideas.

and now that i'm in waikiki again it's as if the entire head has opened up to the possibilities. i am very in tune with the environment i live in and constantly see new need or new idea depending on where we live. i remember a few summers ago wanting to create nothing but summer and resort wear clothes. here in town it is normal to wander around in bathing suit tops and sarongs. showing skin is fine. i forgot about that on big's colder and the beach-ism is removed from hilo town, people are more dressed. now..the silk dresses did really well at the craft fair in fact i have to set up my gal with more soon . but it's an entirely different dress code.

so..faced with having a friend visit tomorrow from the mainland and not having a husband around til next week i have to put the ideas on slow simmer and just go enjoy the daily activities. it's not that i can't do things with the baby here but you have to get into a mental groove of's easily thrown off by a walking talking beast

anyways..akai aint going anywhere, just re-grouping and redistributing and getting back into the side projects that i love = waikiki stuff. bellydance will still run pretty much sept thru june . but i'm gonna buy a new lot of dresses and other items soon.

my model in Greece is getting new photos, can't wait to see them

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