I'd like to introduce you all to Dong Hua, close relative to Don Juan (there is a rumor Dong's dad ran off with Don's sister and after an arranged marriage failed, they finally became lovers but once their love was found out by the Vietnamese lineage, they were both beheaded.
Dong, like Don, is just your typical guy. He's already been ridden by a lot of chicks. Don't (Don't is not related, Don't is part of another dynasty) let the cassanova type name mistake it..he's a total ho bag but their ain't nuthin romantic or remotely appealing about him.
He's made of a tough epoxy that floats well, like all turds should. Buoyancy in an ocean, surrounded by sleek Dings and Joses and Johns, is all this guy has to boast about. He's not a race car but he floats.
He's an easy paddle because he's been ridden by so many already. He's obedient and subservient when he is around other surfboards that are taller and prettier than him, or that cost more money.
Dong Hua is all chipped up..he's seen better days. His skeg or "teeth" had to be replaced when he let another surfboard hit him. He kind of deserved it though, he had no business being out in big waves like that with the pro boards. Dong Hua wants to be, but can't. He spends his life longingly looking at the other sportier models and tries to prove how important he is, but he is just a Dong Hua.
Dong Hua is the type of board that is a dime a dozen. Go stand at the right place on the beach and you will see that all the tourists have a Dong. Dongs look and act like other Dongs. But this Dong is special because it's a Dong Hua. And we know Dong Huas and Don Juans and Darn John are special people, right?
But..all surf chicks need a good steady place to start, huh? Give Dong Hua a chance. You'll likely want to move up to a better model when you know how to stand on your own, when you have the confidence to move on. It should be known that Dong Hua is the type of guy who is good for beginners who don't know any better, or who need more time standing before they can dance. But once she's confident, Dong Hua will likely be seen in another girl's lanai, starting her out on a life of surf and freedom.
C'mon gir..give DH a try..
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